Terry Doherty

A 20+ year wine industry veteran, Terry is the COO of family-owned Goose Ridge Vineyards in Benton City and Monson Ranch Distillers in Prosser, WA.  Terry has helped Goose Ridge expand and scale up their branded portfolio which gives Washington wine more real estate in retail spaces and buyers and consumers interested in Washington wine more options to choose from.  A graduate of WSU Tri-Cities and AgForestry Leadership, he lives on a few acres outside of Prosser with his wife, Holly, where they have raised 3 children, a few tomatoes, some livestock and his best friends which are his dogs.

Goose Ridge Vineyards

Goose Ridge Vineyards are located on a ‘saddle’ of land called Goose Gap, in the Columbia Valley, between Red Mountain and the Horse Heaven Hills. Arvid Monson’s initial vision for growing grapes on this land was validated first by Walter Clore, the visionary behind Washington’s wine industry, in 1998. Today, the family Monson owns the largest contiguous estate vineyard in Washington State, with more than 2,200 acres of vineyards producing world-class fruit.

The Monson family continues its pursuit to be good caretakers of the land overall. Taught at an early age that “you don’t farm for this generation, you farm for the next generation,” the third and fourth generations of Monsons believe the same principle applies to the family’s winery.